Wednesday, November 23, 2005

AIM Triton for Windows

Time Warner Inc.'s America Online has upgraded its instant-message service to help win users and boost advertising sales.

The latest version of the software, to be made available over the next three months, improves existing voice and video chat services, and adds Internet calling and access to 20 XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. stations, AOL spokeswoman Krista Thomas said Tuesday.

The slogan of Triton is "I am everything you need to communicate". Here are the features included in this version:

  • Now there's room in your Buddy List® feature for 500 of your closest friends. Organize your chats, your buddies' Away Messages, and use IM to send gigantic files.
  • Use AIM Talk® to go from typing to talking, right from the comfort of your Buddy List® feature. Free.
  • Look your buddies in the eye while you chat with them. Video chat lets you switch from an Instant Message chat to a high-quality video conference.
  • AIM® Mail is a mere click away from the Instant Messenger™ service. With 2GBs of storage, a handy "Unsend" button and industry-leading spam and virus protection, AIM Mail is the only email you need.
  • Now you can access your Buddy List® feature on your mobile device to send and receive IMs. You can also send IMs from your computer to your buddies' cell phones.
  • Blogging directly from the messenger.
Click here to download.


Postmortem said...

I've written something about Google Talk here:

I hope that there will be new interesting features in GTalk soon.

Anonymous said...


BAttlefield Live

Anonymous said...

you know, i've been having trouble with it. it doesn't seem like the 'holy grail' most are touting it as -- I've not been able to sign on with my normal AIM screen name at all ("We could not sign you on"), the one I've had for close to 10 years now... yeah. kinda weird, cos it still didn't work even after I changed the password just for Triton. oh well. perhaps it'll like me in the future. looks cool though.

Anonymous said...

i've got aim triton and have been able to sign on
i hardly know how to use this thing!
i haven't the slightest idea as to how to put up an away msg, invite people into chats, and it took me nearly a half an hour trying to figure out how to read info

anyone else who has aim triton..
please help?

Anonymous said...

How the heck do you put up an away message??? I know how to save it but not how to use it.. this is a problem

Anonymous said...

It won't let me sign onto aim triton. Why is that? It keeps saying, "Sign on failed. Try again." everytime I try to sign on.

Anonymous said...

does anyone have this problem?...

when i type a line of text to send over IM in Triton, and then decide to delete it by hitting backspace, the characters (the text) still remains there, but when I type anew, all the characters that I deleted disappear. it only me or my comp or are other ppl having trouble with this too?

Anonymous said...

i got the same keeps sayin everytime i try and log on "log on failed. try again later" someone plz help

Anonymous said...

i have the same login problem. i have been using Gaim, but decided to check this thing out. now i cant log on to either gaim or aim triton. fucked up

Anonymous said...

noo now i have the problem
it wont let me sign in...
instantly it says log on failed

Anonymous said...

This thing is a piece of sh*t. I keep getting the same f*cking thing.

Anonymous said...

i have the same problem when i use backspace the characters stay till i start typing somthing new.. i am using the newest build and and have an ATI radeon mobilit 9700.. mebe that could be the problem?

Anonymous said... won't let me sign in either...I keep getting sign in failed...sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't....does anyone know how to fix this stupid thing?

Anonymous said...

wont let me sign on either... I hate AIM TRITON!!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

does anyone know how to erase the aim profile without going through edit? when i try to change it aim freezes. i can still talk on it as long as i dont try to change my info, but i want to change it....any help is appreciated!

Anonymous said...

i can't sign on!! it keeps saying sign on failed. try again. i hate this!!

Anonymous said...

I'm having the same problem.. I just signed up for an account and now I can't sign into AIM!! this shit sucks!!

Anonymous said...

I can't change my profile! Everytime i try, it freezes up and then it signs me off. It's so annoying!! Does anyone know how to change their profile on AIM Triton?

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